

Man... I was checking out Katlos' pics on her website and I clicked on the album that had pics from Montreal. I miss home. I really should have gone home this Christmas, as originally planned... Everyone looks happy and fantastic and I feel so far away... I've been getting those bouts of homesickness more and more lately. Maybe it's because of the emotional rollercoaster I've been on this last month. But whatever.
Life in Japan is great for the most part but there are indeed some days that I'd give anything to be back home again. To be with the people I've known my whole life. I've learned so much in my 15 months here. I've had the experience of lifetime. I've made great friends here... But nothing beats the old crew, ya know... Sometimes I miss you guys so much! So this post is a shout out to all my friends back home... Thanks for the memories! Just because I'm on the other side of the world doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about you.

Whoop, there it is! Je t'adore! Je n'est vraiment plus rien à dire. Any more than that would be overkill... besides, sometimes words just aren't enough... I can't wait until you come see me next spring. Congrats on becoming an aunt... again.

Vicky: Even though you're not actually in Montreal anymore, I know that that's where your heart will always be. Hope to see you in the spring. I'll sing Tubthumping at karaoke just for you. Or maybe that other song we used to sing on our chairs in Physics class... Hope winter in Fort Mac won't be too harsh...

Caleb: My African God... I miss your bear hugs... I miss you... You were always the only person who really understood me and my issues. You're also the only one to have witnessed me at my wildest... Remember Marianopolis Rugby initiation? Two words... Saran... Wrap... ;) When I get back, you're taking me dancing!

Suzie: I never really properly congratulated you on your wedding. I really wish that I could have been there. Can you believe that we've been friends for almost 20 years?! Makes you feel like an old maid, huh? Oh wait... nevermind... makes me feel like an old maid ;)

You have helped me understand a lot this last month and for that I thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you talking me through it all. It's always nice to be known as someone's first love. Oh, how long ago that was... You know, I still remember the day we met... big hair and a really strong stomach... the good old days ^_^

Même si on ne se parle pas souvent, je pense toujours à toi. J'espère que tu pourras venir me voir au Japon avec la gang. Félicitations pour ton stage à Montréal. You can be my doctor any day ;)

You may not know this, but those hours spent with you by the lake were always some of my favorite times. You are patient, Grasshopper... Not many people can listen to my endless whining without going insane... and I will always appreciate it. I know that you're stuck in "the town that fun forgot" right now but consider yourself lucky... at least it isn't Flin Flon.

I don't even know if you know that my blog exists but nevertheless... I miss your stories, woman. You always had awesome stories. I hope to see you in Japan next spring as well. Ça sera serré avec 4 personnes dans mon apparte mais j'suis certaine que ça va aller.

Rosana: Where you at girl? Did you ever make it Venice or Vienna or wherever it is you were going to go? Ça fait des mois et je n'est aucune nouvelle de toi. Je vais faire mon barreau l'an prochain (probablement)... I'll be tracking you down, you can be sure of that.

I miss you guys...Sorry for using your pics Kat but I don't have any of my own...

To my oldest and dearest friends... so long and thanks for all the shoes...


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