

McGill cancels Redmen football season... Is this really big news or are people just talking about it to tarnish McGill's reputation? Honestly, no one really cares about the CFL (I like it but let's think realistically here)... And even less people care about CANADIAN college football... Now the players are whining about postponed careers for "harmless" initiation games... Oh come on... You play for McGill... Not Colorado. None of you are going to the NFL. Suck it up and grow a pair...


At 01:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 14:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canadian Footwha?

At 23:00, Blogger Samantha said...

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At 23:04, Blogger Samantha said...

OK Anonymous... one guy made it to the NFL... and he'd still rather be playing ice hockey... ;)
And Gomes, email me the link to your live journal... onegaishimasu... want to read first hand about your soap opera life.


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