
Under Control!

FINALLY!!! After three weeks of walking around in a zombie-like state... seriously lacking in motivation to get.... well... basically anything done... I've got it all under control. My apartment is clean, my desk at school is clean, all 1000+ papers (although it was probably closer to 1200) corrected, graded and commented on and what not... It took me a little while to get back on my feet but now I'm ready to take on the world again. Boy does it ever feel good to get something accomplished.
Now I have to start reviewing for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test... it just never ends... but at least I can get it done in a clean house. ^_^


At 21:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, freedom from oppression, doesn't it feel wonderful. Time to grab the magic stick and take it into the temple of delight, do the hippidy dippidy until it feels all right. Shake that thang.


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