
The Infamous Speech...

Well, if anyone is interested. In honour of Uesugi-sensei (now Yanagisawa-sensei), I will post a copy of my speech...


丁度そのです。ある日、まるでサウナの中にいるような職員室一人仕事をしていたところ、見慣れない女性が近づいてきて、"Hello, my name is Uesugi and I am the Home Economics teacher at Kashiba High School. I want to learn English." と自己紹介をされました。私は、「かが話しかけてくれた!」っと、とてもしかったのをえています。その女性は今ここにすわってらっしゃいますが、彼女はその日私に生卵3個くれました。







Uesugi-sensei, Tadashi-san. Congratulations. May you live happily ever after.

English Translation

18 months ago I was new to this country. I spoke very little Japanese, and didn’t understand most of what was going on around me. So one day, I’m sitting all alone, roasting in the 30-degree heat of the teacher’s room when a woman I’d never even seen before walks up to me and introduces herself to me. “Hello, my name is Uesugi and I am the Home Economics teacher at Kashiba High School. I want to learn English.” You can’t even begin to imagine how happy that made me. Someone actually talked to me!!! And then, this woman sitting right here, gave me 3 fresh eggs. That evening, I went straight to my computer and wrote home about it. First impressions last forever and these are the qualities that stuck in my mind.

Strong. Uesugi-sensei you are a strong and fearless woman. I know it took a lot of courage to walk up to a complete stranger and talk to them in a language that is not your own. But I will be forever grateful that you did.

Kind. Before even getting to know me, you offered to teach me how to cook… A difficult task since I could barely boil water when I first got to Japan. You helped a complete stranger once and then you did it again when my parents came to Japan. And they too, will never forget the kindness you showed them while they were here. They are thinking of you right now.

Patient. Every Thursday you came to my tiny apartment and took me grocery shopping, translated my appliances, taught me how to chop onions and to make teriyaki sauce. Thanks to you, my life in Japan became easier every day.

But this is not my day so enough about me.

I learned many things in our time together and one of the things I learned is that you fall in love when you least expect it. Every time Uesugi-sensei talked about Tadashi-san, her face lit up. Be it Canada or Japan, the signs are international. A friend always knows when a friend is in love… and I knew, even when you didn’t, that you had fallen in love.

So today, I am happy to be sharing this joyous occasion with you. And I am sincerely honoured that you asked me to speak at your wedding reception.

I know that when you are ready to start your own family, the qualities that make you a great teacher and friend, will also make you a wonderful wife and mother.


To be honest... after reading my original English text, I think the Japanese one is better...


At 22:45, Blogger Bigger Drummer Boy said...

i thought the japanese one was better too, i didn't even cry during the english one.


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