
Ode to the Fall...

I don't care what all you people in Canada say... JAPAN IS COLD!!! I know that outside is quite tolerable (it's only about -2 at night) but when I go inside my house, I expect it to be warm enough for me to be able to take off my coat. But no... It is below zero inside my house too! I can turn on my heater full blast and it's still cold. And since there is no heater in the "kitchen"/hallway/bathroom area, I can actually see my breath in those places... Coming out of the shower is the absolute WORST. Oh how I miss fiberglass and double-paned windows... The Japanese can build computers but they can't insulate a house... Am I the only one who sees something wrong with that?

So, in honour of my favorite season that is now behind me... and winter has taken over, here are a few choice pics from my fall leaf-viewing excursions (minus the Sunday I spent at Tanzan-jinja because I'm stupid and I accidentally deleted all those pictures from my camera before uploading them...)

TETSUGAKU NO-MICHI (Path of Philosophy


OK, my internet is giving me issues but that should be enough to wet your appetite. I'll post more tomorrow...


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