
I can't watch anymore...

So I have been watching the news since 2:30PM and I'm really on edge. I think I'm going crazy. Yeah, I know that I wasn't there. I know that I probably have no right to be as upset as I am, but I am. Montreal has been on the list of one of the best places to live... Canada is supposed to be a safe place... People aren't supposed to walk in to schools brandishing guns... Yes... guns... It came out that the shooter (or suspect as the police are calling him) had 3 guns. THREE GUNS!? Where the heck did he get three guns?!
So if you haven't been reading the news, 2 people were killed and 19 injured (8 in critical condition) in the shooting at Dawson College this afternoon.

My sister's boyfriend is a student at Dawson and was in class when the shooting started. He came over this evening to tell us about what had happened. They heard the shooting beneath them and almost immediately barricaded the door using available desks. Just as they had started moving the desks, a girl burst in saying that her friend had just been shot in the leg. She hid in the classroom with them. They stayed there for about 45 minutes... crouching in fear, shaking, praying, until police officers came in and lead them out. Then they ran... and ran. Once they crossed the police tape, apparently people just started throwing up. My sister's boyfriend was recounting his experience and I just felt ill. He could have been killed. Unfortunately I am not just sympathetic, I am empathetic to a fault and I have a tendency to absorb the emotions that surround me. So I'm probably being a bit overdramatic but it's still shocking...

There was one shooter... not two... and police shot and killed him. The police shooting is now under investigation so no one will release any information on the shooter... We know he's 25 and he's from Quebec... other than that... nothing. It's really frustrating. All we hear on the news is speculation... no definite answers. That combined with pictures of screaming, crying, blood... It's just not right... I just hope the police find out why the shooter did it...


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